Odds and Ends

Here's a (very) random list of a few posts and pages from around the web that have recently piqued my interest. 

  • Reeder is now free (for the Mac and iPad). For now. A good idea from the developer to build up a larger user base in preparation for the post-Google Reader era. Although I've recently switched to Feedly, I'm a long-time user of Reeder on iPad and iPhone. Just downloaded it for the desktop and it is, as expected, excellent. My vote is still out on which news reader I'll end up using in the long run, but I'm digging Feedly for now.  
  • Demystifying the Lumber Yard. Shopping a lumber yard can be a daunting experience. Here's an excellent video from the Renaissance Woodworker to get you started, which also includes a list of further resources. By the way, did you know it's National Woodworking Month? Not to be confused with 'Get Woodworking Week,' which was Feb. 3-9. 
  • Famo.us. I just read that this smooth and zippy HTML5/JavaScript platform is going to be made free for developers. The demo is impressive. So fast.
  • Have you ever seen an atom? Worth watching this short video.
  • Quantum Entanglement Experiment. How fast is 'spooky action at a distance?' At least four orders of magnitude faster than light, according to new research. Fun read, if you like this kind of stuff.
  • Coffitivity. Recorded sounds of a noisy coffee house ('coffitivity'), which you can mix in with your preferred music in the name of boosting productivity. Really? That's the last thing I want to hear when I'm working in my home office. I'm odd, I guess, in that I prefer complete silence.
  • Tenkara. I've only recently learned about the traditional Japanese method of fly fishing, called Tenkara. Very minimalist, as one might expect. It really does look like a great way to fish a small stream.
Troy Kitch @troykitch